The Intervention series - sight-specific temporal sculptures create in collaboration with nature and my surrounding

  • Drift

    On the edge of the sea, where the waves caress the shore, she finds solace among the driftwood, weathered and wise.

    The ocean, with its rhythmic whispers, draws us closer, as each wave releases its stories within, we gather these fragments that are sculpted by the embrace of the tide.

    Walking along the beach, contemplating the vastness of existence, The ebb and flow, a mirror to her thoughts, a reflection of womanhood.

    In this sacred space, we see the delicate balance of creation and destruction, As the sea reclaims what was once cast away, we embrace our transformation, finding strength in vulnerability.

    Through the power of waves and wind, she discovers her inner peace, A quiet strength that flows from the depths of being, Empowered by the knowledge that they are a part of this vast, wondrous world, A woman, ever-evolving, cradled in the arms of nature’s boundless energy.

  • Totum

    During the heart of midsummer, under the golden sun, we gather to create a totem, a tribute to the goddess of this abundant season and Mother Nature herself.

    A sunflower head stands tall at its pinnacle, its past radiance worshiping the light, collecting the warmth of the day, now stands as a memory. In its place are the seeds of its future to feed and flourish.

    Around it, we intertwine branches and blossoms, each element a symbol of the earth's grace and fertility.

    Surrounding the piece we create nests and symbols of life and renewal within the totem's structure. We honour the goddess of growth and rebirth, whose spirit dances through the fields and forests, nurturing every living thing.

    In this sacred act, we celebrate womanhood, reflecting the earth’s nurturing power and the strength to cultivate, sustain, and thrive, each of us finding solace and strength in the rhythm of nature.

  • Gifting

    Imagine wandering through your village, and suddenly, you spot a sunflower. Bright, cheerful, and unexpected, it stands there, as if waiting just for you. This is no ordinary sunflower—it’s a gift from a stranger, a piece of sunshine left for you to find, enjoy, and perhaps, pass on.

    This is part of a unique art intervention that seeks to connect people with nature in a surprising and delightful way. By leaving individual sunflowers in different places around the village, we’re spreading little moments of joy and wonder, encouraging a spontaneous connection with the world around us.

    It’s yours to keep, gift, or admire if you find one.

    I invited the finder to take a photo with their sunflower and send it to me. These images will become part of a collective artwork, a tapestry of experiences that captures how a simple gesture can brighten someone’s day and create a shared connection through nature.

    By gifting you this sunflower, I’m sharing a connection with nature and each other, and together, we can create a chain of kindness that ripples through our community. So, keep your eyes open—you never know when a sunflower might cross your path!

    so far, only two have contacted me about finding the sunflowers and 10 of them went out!